Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rice Field Art

So i know it has been a while since my last blog, but i have been super busy and doing a lot of crazy stuff. I almost feel a bit behind now though, because i have so many things to post about! anyhow, I went to the small town of Anakidate which is famous for their Rice field art. Which is created by planting their rice harvest in a pattern with different strands(colors) of rice so that when it grows, it will be a beautiful work of art. It was actually amazing seeing this years pattern because it is one of my favorite Japanese wood block prints. Anyhow i always post about food, so here is some art, ironically made with food.

Getting off the train in Anakidate
Beautiful country scenery...
Looks like the something out of an old movie, minus the street light.

I spent so much time wandering around i got lost. But this fine gentlemen was nice enough to give us a ride to the area of the Rice field. (he had the sweetest Pink Scion)

here we are. Rice field art.....not much to look at from the ground, but go upstairs to the viewing tower, and....
It is the most awesome sight i have ever seen.

oh no, watch out lady with the van, that wave is coming right for ya!
There were 2 fields that made 1 huge picture, but since it was the last day of the season for rice harvesting, they had taken most of it down. 8(
This is view of rice fields with no art( boooooooo)

This is mount Iwaki (the Mt. Fuji of the North) so i guess Mt. Fuji is the Iwaki of the south?
Mr. Hair Monster

Just being artistic and taking pictures...hahhaa. (and btw the shirt does not say EAT, its supposed to say KREATE, but pretty funny if wear any kind of open coat or shirt, it will read EAT, perfect for this blog)this is my attempt at being a samurai or some kind of guru looking fellow.
I see you.

and now off to eat some RICE!
This is the 100 yen sushi spot. Why because all sushi here is 100yen. That is correct, all that goodness that you pay about 5 or 6 bucks for back home, this is 10 time better and fresher and it cost less than 1 dollar usd!
I will have everything please! The Sake(salmon) tasted like butter, amazing.
and now the local specialty, SCALLOPS, oh so sweet scallops.
And my favorite, Ginger Tako(octopus)in the whole, tentacles and all
The aftermath, so if you eat 35 plates of sushi, how much does that equal? 35 dollars. that is correct. especially for Nigiri sushi, wow. I am in love and never coming home. good night.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Takko Machi Garlic & Beef Festival

The little town of Takko has earned a little place next to my heart this past weekend. They hosted the 22nd annual Garlic & Beef Festival(not just garlic, but BEEF!!) What's funny is i came here to get away from the bay area and this just happens to be the sister city of Gilroy, the other famous garlic town. So as i am strolling up to the event area i hear blasting on the loud speaker, in perfect english, "And where are you from young lady?" "well i used to live in Gilroy, but i'm from San Jose, California..." what are the bloody odds?! and then i just heard San Jose for the rest of the afternoon since a bunch of people flew over here for the event. Anyhoooooow, aside from bumping into hometown folks, let me tell you about this amazig place and the amazing food. They seriously blew the top off of the Galric food that Gilroy puts out. The town of Takko is known for it's beef. they pamper the cows their whole little lives, feed them garlic so its in their system, massage them with garlic oils and just baby the hell out of them, so when its finally time to cook, you don't even need to season the stuff. You pay about 18 bucks USD and they give you a food kit. it consists of raw Takko beef, vegetables, a whole garlic bulb, rice ball, and some sweet bbq sauce. And then the rest is up to you. you find a grill out of the many set up, take some beef fat and grease up the grill and get to cooking. It was fun and yet totally delicious. Sweet buttery flavor and garlic goodness just dripping from the meat. It was definitely worth going to. and thanks to Lindsay for putting us up for the weekend, she has an actual house that's huge. She was super nice and also a fellow Hapa girl, with family based out of hawaii! so we shared some hawaiian food stories and then she made some Loco-Moco(rice eggs, gravy, beef patty) style concoction sans the beef patty. Really good though, and whats even sweeter is her dad makes commercials in hollywood, and i don't know if you've ever seen that cream cheese commercial with the lady in the clouds and the fluffy heaven style cream cheese, anyhow, her dad made that. I love that ad. So all in all it was a very fun filled weekend and i look forward to many more yummy adventures here in Japan. Enjoy the food photos. I am sure you will be tempted to come to this next year.

Welcome to the Garlic Capital of JAPAN!

This is the little rode that got me here.

And this is the most literal mural of Garlic And Beef town i have ever seen.
The garlic crew.

Just me growing out my beard and mustache.

Garlic City Baby. oh yeahhhhh.

now to find a spot to grill....

My tools and produce for the afternoon.

greasing and garlickin up the grill

couple grilling....

solo grilling....

The famous TAKKO GARLIC BEEF, it was so buttery and full of garlic goodness

oh, can't forget the grilled garlic!

and together, they are happy and will be sacrificed for the good of my stomach.

So, in the region where i live, they are famous for Apples, Beef, and SCALLOPS(which i totally love) Here they are straight up grilling them.

I have never seen a whole fresh scallop before. usually they are all perfect little circular shapes and clean. But this was drenched in garlic oil or something. it was goooooooooood.

Garlic Burger, Garlic Fries and Deep fried Garlic Cloves.......

Did you bring a toothbrush for the ride home?

Here's that TakoYaki again. Only this time you can se all the ingredients.

Oishii Desu!!!!!

BBQ'd meat and garlic....no better combo than that.

hey, remember those frozen fish sticks you used to have when you were little? These taste nothing like that. But they are Fish Sticks.

Ok then, no fish sticks, how about Squid Sticks?

Garlic smoked chicken wings. All i need is some Pizza.

and more garlic.
I don't know what was stranger, buying beer from a little kid, or a nice old lady...either way the Sapporo was on tap, fresh , and ICEEEEEE COOOOOLLLLLD.

"Wait Mr. COW!!!!! I want to Eat you!!" hahahhaah

i just thought this was cute and funny.

This was just plain awesome. What is a japanese event without cute big headed characters gettin groovy.

And now onto the desserts.... How can it be a Garlic festival without our pal, GARLIC ICE CREAM! really strong garlic ice cream i might add.

chocolate dipped candy coated bananas.
Sprinkle me.
fresh blueberry alcoholic drink
Garlic candy. if you want that garlic taste on the go. It's like the opposite of a breath mint.

If you haven't had enough Garlic, lets go to the garlic store!
some of my purchases. Garlic Bread, Garlic Salami, and Garlic Infused Ramen noodles.
a Garlic Bulb.....hahha. get it?
good bye Garlic Town of Takko

And now a message from the local Fire Dept.

"Remember Kids, Only You can prevent Garlic Breath!"

And Here is a clip of all of the homies grilling some beef and garlic.