Monday, September 24, 2007

Autumn is Here

The first Day of Autumn (Fall Equinox) is a very celebrated day here in Japan. They even have a 3 day weekend holiday(which means everyone parties!) So in conjunction with this perfect day of leaves falling and nature's colors fading, is my welcome to Japan Spring Roll party.(today we will just call them Fall Rolls) So before coming to japan, one of my tasks from Michelle was to make sure i brought Vietnamese Rice paper all the way from San Jose, because the one's here are not as good and SUPPPER expensive. With the hep of her mom(Thanks!) we managed to get the best ones and she did a sweet job of bubble wrapping and packaging them. All i had to do was smuggle them in through security. 8) the Party was a really fun time and i met a bunch of awesome people,. But if you are wondering why none of these people are local Nihonjin(Japanese). I will try to explain in short. Most of the people at this party are friends and coworkers of Michelle. they are all English teachers from across the country and world working for JET(Japanese Exchange & Teaching program) They are all super cool folks and it made me feel like i brought a bit of home with me(besides the rice paper.) But i have to give it up for Michelle. She spent the whole afternoon prepping all the food and she did a wonderful job because everyone was stuffed senseless. It is definitely a nice opening to my chapter here in Japan. I came on a fresh new season when change is in the air and flowing through many people's minds. I don't usually care for change, but i think that is what this move is about, and i am really taking a liking to it. cheers.

This is a detail of the installation i am working on in my office. Trying to bring a bit of the outside inside.
Oishii Desu!!!!! Probaly some of the best Azuki Red Bean i have ever eaten in my entire life. This is a dish that the locals prepare for the Autumn Equinox. It is mashed up red bean and also Edamame(soy beans)the green one) over sweet sticky rice.

Michelle prepping all of the food for the nights festivities.

Flown in straight from San Jose, CA. can't get eany fresher than that....

Our delicious spread for the evening. yummmmy.

Spring Rolling 101:

Having fun guys?

Totally debating over the best You Tube videos Ever!

Topping the night off with some cheese...gruyere and gouda

Roll Call.....all the spring roll squad.
A funny picture we took at the Sega World arcade. She is wrapping me in Nato(sticky tofu) and leaves. trying to cover me in her evil web of Autumness....hahah
this is where i will be doing most of my blogging and youtubing...cheers friends.


Anonymous said... the photos of Japan..and the FOOD WOWOWOWOWOWOW

i always had a thing for i must definitely go. I can see that Japan has a lot to offer ..for the brain and tummy.

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