Sunday, September 23, 2007

Japan: The Arrival...

Konichiwa Friends,
I am now officially residing in Japan. I can't believe i made it after all the crazy preparation and stress i had to go through to get to this point. Anyhow i know all of my folks out there who love food, art, and just weird things in general want to keep up with the gnarly activities i engage myself in, or maybe not....but i started this blog to keep my family and friends informed of my adventures while i'm living in this strange but wonderful country.
So i made it here about 24 hours ago and i've already had more than enough delicious food, a crazy welcome party, and i've seen some really funny things, that of course i don't have to explain because i took tins of pictures of. So enough blah blah blah and on the photos. Enjoy....

good ol' JAL. great food on the fight over, my own tv screen, video games, and no peanuts, only rice crackers!
And did i mention Free Japanese Beer!
Moving to japan involves you transforming into your luggage before you live here.
My new favorite drink. Mango Fresh Ice Tea.

Beef Curry over rice......what a way to enter japan.....right of the plane. whoa, whos that girl wearing a Konscious Klothing shirt?
I love the markets here. Japanese Calamari, Edamame, Chicken Karage, and tempura....Hello Breakfast....Oishii Desu!
On my way to the dept. store call Jappal i ran into some familiar images. Really strange that they sell this stuff at the grocery store.....for like 72.00 usd!!!! Other brands such as Red Clay, Once Upon A Time(the star wars hoodie) and even Bay Area Hyphy shirts.....i can't escape it!!!!

However This is the Japanese answer to street wear...who wants to bet that this would sell out in all shops, look at those color ways.........gotta match my lime green kicks sonnnnn. j/k
Just hanging out wih Jango Fett, shopping for Gashapon(japanese capsule toys) I got some pretty sweet ones, Jango went straight for the Hello Kitty cell phone trinkets.......sigh..

This is my one weakness here. My kryptonite.......the Damn UFO catchers game, let me refresh you by posting my previous winnings from my last trip to japan(which had to have there own suitcase)hahahaah

(crazy........but so fun....and they made it to a lot of good people's homes.)

Another one of my favorite things about being in Japan is TAKOYAKI.....(octopus dumpling pancake things)

so goooooooooooood and creamy and chewy.

So here is a sneak peak at a project i am working on in my apartment using things bought from the 100 yen shop and a bit from home. becuase...

I HATE THE FRIGGiN BLUE TRIM ON TOP!!!! so i just went nuts and until i find the right tone to cover it, this will have to do. thanks to the 100 yen shop and baby spray paint cans. For the most part, Japan is amazing and this is just one i can't wait to see whats in store over the next year. I will post pictures from my Spring Roll welcome party and also shots of the apartment as i work on it a bit more. It's pretty nice, i got lucky and scored a 3 bedroom old school style spot. I even have a studio/storage outside and a sweet ride(bike) that i gotta fix up. Well until then friends and family......Cheers and Kompai!


Ra said...

goodluck out there deejae.

girl said...

the amount of envy i have for you is crazy big.
but then the amount of happiness i have for you and your lady love evens it out and we're friends again...

own japan.

mmendoza said...

It was nice reading about your journey to Japan. Take Care out there. We miss you.

Your Cousin,

Michelle Paeste Mendoza

Aim said...

I love it!! You are boosting my motivation to eventually get out there... Win me some UFO Catcher toys!! The more ridiculous, the better!! Have a blast Dee Jae. (Wait... you already ARE!!)

Unknown said...

My Dear Sweet Brother Noomsie,
Nice to hear your doing well and enjoying the new surroundings. Keep up the good work on posting pix, I got that one of your apt wall as my desktop background. Always know that we love and miss you and will support you in whatever direction you choose to go.
